Magda Teter’s “Blood Libel” wins the 2020 National Jewish Book Award

Magda Teter’s “Blood Libel” wins the 2020 National Jewish Book Award

Magda Teter’s Blood Libel: On The Trail of an Antisemitic Myth wins the 2020 The JDC-Her­bert Katz­ki Award, National Jewish Book Award in the category “Writ­ing Based on Archival Material.”

Judges remarks:

Mag­da Teter’s thor­ough­ly well-researched and metic­u­lous account of a per­sis­tent and dead­ly anti­se­mit­ic myth exam­ines the blood libel from its roots in twelfth-cen­tu­ry Eng­land to its spread across Europe over the course of cen­turies with the devel­op­ment of the print­ing press. This impres­sive vol­ume con­sti­tutes the first com­pre­hen­sive study of the blood libel’s evo­lu­tion in Europe, draw­ing on archives in eight coun­tries and ten lan­guages, from the Unit­ed King­dom, France, and Bel­gium to Italy, the Vat­i­can, and Poland. Teter fol­lows a trail of rare print­ed mate­r­i­al, obscure archival ref­er­ences, and pop­u­lar artis­tic rep­re­sen­ta­tions to cre­ate a high­ly read­able account that demon­strates the endur­ing pow­er of hatred and con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries all too famil­iar to a con­tem­po­rary audience.